Is Virtual Reality Capable of Healing Public Speaking Phobia?

Virtual Reality is the word we often come across in today’s world; it describes a 3D, computer-generated world with which a person can interact. Individuals are immersed in a realistic environment, creating the impression that they are actually there to undertake a sequence of acts. It serves as both a source of pleasure and intense information.

But the question is– How does it help one conquer stage fright?

Often known as public speaking phobia, stage fright is the most common and persistent anxiety among Millennials today.

The fear of performing in a crowd strain one’s conscience and self-esteem, leading some people to drop out of school, quit their work, and eventually isolate themselves. In some cases, people strive to hide their fear, even from their spouses, other close family members, and friends, since they are embarrassed.

For someone who suffers from speech anxiety, performing in front of a small group can be daunting. However, because public speaking is a valuable life skill, these circumstances are challenging to avoid.

It is said that the most effective way to improve communication and presentation skills is to practice as often as possible. However, not everyone gets the right approach to do so. Several conventional methods, such as rehearsing in front of the mirror, speaking in front of friends, and possibly engaging a coach, take time and can be costly.

While virtual reality may appear to be near-impossible in terms of cost and accessibility, several businesses, such as healthcare and education, are transitioning to a new immersive learning and treatment style. This technology allows one to practice public speaking in a lifelike atmosphere. When you put on an Oculus, you can, for example, give a presentation to hundreds of people in a large conference room. It’s convenient to relieve the nervousness and exhilaration of providing a genuine speech.

Presently, the only practical approach to enhance public speaking skills is to practice among the audience. But how are people supposed to conquer their anxiety by doing precisely what they fear?

This is where virtual reality makes a significant difference and changes the lives of millions of people. Virtual reality works by convincing our brains that what we see in the virtual world is real. As a result, if you rehearse in front of a photo-realistic crowd or a reactive audience of avatars, your minds will be tricked into believing they are genuine. We know it sounds impossible, but virtual reality has been shown to aid patients with mental health issues like PTSD and anxiety.

One of the best things about practising in front of a virtual audience is that you can literally prepare your speech whenever you want because your audience is right in your pocket. Because you believe it’s a secure setting free of objective human judgement, you’re less likely to avoid training in the virtual world than those in the real one. Now you have all eyes on you and an audience that can respond to what you say.

Virtualize Technologies Pvt. Ltd. VR tools examine your voice for hesitations, tempo, pitch, and other factors. You can even fathom your personality depending on how you come across in your speech.

We are confident that virtual reality can help people improve their speaking skills by providing a safe environment in which they can practise. The fear of public speaking will fade with enough exposure, whether in the virtual or real world, and you will be able to nail your general speaking abilities.

Good luck!


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